Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wicked Appetite (Book 1) by Janet Evanovich

Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Press; First Edition edition (September 14, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0312652917
ISBN-13: 978-0312652913
Series: A Unmentionable Diesel and Tucker

First Sentence:"My name is Elizabeth Tucker."

Elizabeth Tucker is a baker, a baker of delicious cup cakes. However she is also an Unmentionable (not of the underwear variety), someone who has an ability. Lizzy's ability is to find magical objects. I one day she meets the darkly, menacing Wulf and the drop-dead spunky Diesel, who are both in a race to find a magical item that only Lizzy can find. Of course the fate of the world rests on finding the object, and she isn't so sure about her new side kicks the ninja cat or rude monkey.

There were lots of laugh out loud moments, and some sniggering moments. I could totally relate to the scene where Lizzy thought the last of the chocolate coated donuts had been taken. To be honest I thought she under-reacted (is that a word?) I would have karate chopped Diesel upside the head and drop kicked him outta the car.

Evanovich has created a great cast of characters who are all hilarious. My favorite though were the cat (called Cat) and the monkey Carl. Most of my laugh out loud moments involved Carl he was pretty good comedy relief.

My only quibble is that this seemed to follow the same formula as her Stephanie Plum series. Slightly useless, but loveable, main character, sexy side kick guy, another sexy guy (the baddie), weirdo friend, crazy pets, weirdo baddie, and a long suffering but normal co-worker. BUT Evanvovich does this formula well, and using the paranormal angle does make it refreshing.

This is obviously the first book in a new series as the story talks about a group of stones that need to be collected and only one stone is found in this book. I will definitely pick up the next installment. If you like the Stephanie Plum series, you will definitely enjoy this book.

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