Sunday, December 26, 2010

Grug and His First Christmas by Ted Prior

Rating: 4 out of 5
ISBN: 9780731814305
Category: General
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 2010-10-01
Series: Grug Series
Country of origin: AUS
Age: Under 5

First Sentence: "One day Grug was strolling past Cara's hollow log"

Our little friend Grug is back and it is Grug's first Christmas. Grugs friend Cara tells him all about Christmas. He then sets out to celebrate Christmas. Grug makes a Christmas tree, bakes some goodies for his friends and even gets a strange package from someone called Santa.

A cute little book for your little one. Big colourful pictures and a basic story that a new reader will find easy to follow.

This year my son was just to young to really understand, he did enjoy the pictures thought. But I suspect this book well be great next year. It should be a good way to introduce him to Christmas.

If your child likes Grug this one will also be a hit.