Sunday, February 1, 2009

Your Blog Is Fabulous Award

Sally from Books and Musings from Downunder gave me this award. Thanks! My first award and it has such a stylish pic too.

I really like these fun game thingies. I now get to regale you all with five things I am addicted with, which I know you are all dying to know.
  1. I am addicted to cute and furry animals; my kitties are exceptionally spoilt and rule the house!
  2. I am addicted to reading.
  3. I am addicted chocolate. I can not keep anything chocolate in the house otherwise I eat it and nothing else until its gone.
  4. I am addicted to the significant other.
  5. I am addicted to photography and my photography website Flickr (okay you got two for one here but only 5 addictions! Seriously who only has 5?)
Now I get to pass on the favor and luckily for me the world has yet to discover my brilliant blog and it is still an exclusive club so I wont have leave anyone out. Congratulations you all deserve this award I enjoy reading your blogs.

Reading, Writing and Retirement
Ticket to Anywhere
from my bookshelf
Musings of a Bookish Kitty
an adventure in reading