Tuesday, November 29, 2011

An Elephant In The Room by Shamini Flint

Rating 3.5 out of 5
Hardcover: 21 pages
Age: 2-5
Publisher: Sunbear Publishing
Language: English
ISBN-10: 981057813X
ISBN-13: 978-9810578138

We recently traveled to Singapore and this was one of the souvenir books i got our son. I have taken a liking to buying books related to the country we are in as souvenirs as I think it is then educational and different.

This particular book caught my eye as the artwork was bright and colourful, it had elephants (we were due to see elephants in the flesh later in the trip), the story was short and rhymed. I thought it was perfect for us.

The story its self was not specific to Singapore or even Asia. It is just a cute story about elephants doing various activities during the day. It is a short and simple story often with one or two lines max on a page.
"There's an elephant in the room.
And here's another with a broom"
The artwork is bright and colourful and really brings the story alive. The artist put small quirky details in each of the illustrations. For instance on one page the elephant is holding a sign saying "I'm sorry" and his little friend holds a sign saying "me too".

This is a basic, sweet book that is quick and easy to read. Any child should enjoy the book.

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