Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina

Rating 4 out of 5
Age Range: 12 and up 
Hardcover: 384 pages
Publisher: Candlewick (April 8, 2014)
Series: Yes, book 1
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0763669881
ISBN-13: 978-0763669881
Awards: Aurealis Award Nominee for Science Fiction & Young Adult Novel (2012)

“There will come a day when a thousand Illegals descend on your detention centers. Boomers will breach the walls. Skychangers will send lightning to strike you all down from above, and Rumblers will open the earth to swallow you up from below. . . . And when that day comes, Justin Connor, think of me.”

Ashala Wolf has been captured by Chief Administrator Neville Rose, a man who is intent on destroying Ashala’s Tribe — the runaway Illegals hiding in the Firstwood. Injured, vulnerable, with her Sleepwalker ability blocked, Ashala is forced to succumb to the machine that will pull secrets from her mind. And right beside her is Justin Connor, her betrayer, watching her every move. Will the Tribe survive the interrogation of Ashala Wolf?"

I had this book on my radar ever since I read the review by "The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader". back in 2012 I was intrigued by the concept. Yet for some reason it sat on my TBR pile for some time. I have no idea why. But recently I thought "why not".

All I can say is I am glad I read it, and cranky at myself for it taking so long to get to it.

The Author did a wonderful job of merging sci-fi and religion/mythology. I liked the references to the Indigenous Australian's dreamtime mythology (at least I hope that's what it was and not just me assuming stuff that isnt there).

It was fast paced and exciting, filled with action and adventure. I liked the way the author revealed the information even though I must confess to being a bit tired by the 4th memory flash back.

Neville Rose is a pretty nasty piece of work. He makes a fantastic villain. All the characters are really interesting and I wish we got to learn about them more.

It is hard to review this book without revealing to much. The story was intricate and fascinating. So I will just say I did really enjoy the story and didn't want to stop reading. I am kind of glad I did wait as book 2 is out this year so I don't have a long wait to see what happens next.

On an interesting note the author's story is just as interesting as the main character she has created. Kwaymullina is an Indigenous Australian from the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. When not writing or reading she teaches law, illustrates picture books, and hangs out with her dogs.

I would recommend this read to anyone who likes the dystopia genre.

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