Saturday, August 4, 2012

Movie Reviews: June and July 2012

The Lorax - A
Such a cute and funny movie. The little animals are hilarious you just have to keep your eye on them or you will miss the sly jokes slipped in there. The environmental theme is not to over powering so you wont feel lectured too. The first song in the movie was a bit much and was annoying but the other two songs were good and fit into the movie really well.

Lockout - C+
This movie was inspire by a short story written by Luc Besson and you can tell. The storyline is similarish to The Fith Element in that you have a smart ass, cranky bloke who is having a really bad day who has to save a girl, and it's in space. Ok so the similarity when written down here is vague but if you see the movie you will get it. Unfortunately the movie is BORING and clearly low budget. This should have ticked every action box but all I can say is thank goodness Guy Pearce and Maggie Grace are in it as their acting (while not great) helped save the movie.

Man On A Ledge - B- (based on the second half of the movie)
Ok only saw the first five minutes then the second half of this movie. But it was a fun action flick, no big surprises but just a good fun movie.

The Wrath of the Titans - B
A good solid action greek mythology movie. Way better then the other recent one about the Titans (which was crappy). There isn't much to say really, don't expect much and you should enjoy the movie.

Old School
How To Drain Your Dragon - A
Awesome little movie full of humour and action. Our little guy LOVES this movie so we have watched it a lot recently. Thank goodness it has yet to get annoying or old.

Finding Nemo - A
One of my all time favourite movies and my little guy loves it. The jokes are still funny after all this time (even if I know them off by heart) and the story is still so sweet.

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