OMG scared the living daylights outta me. I watched maybe 95% of the first movie and only 60% of this one. I jumped clear out of my skin twice and gave up watching after the second time. If you like scary movies then this is a good one for you.
Cute and funny. Not as hilarious the whole way through as say Despicable Me but Im not entirely sure its supposed to be. I got the impression this was aimed more at teens/adults then kids as there is a strong love story through out. So there is touch of drama/seriousness in the story. Still a good movie which I enjoyed.
Going the Distance
Had some good laughs but I wouldn't be rushing to watch this again. Christina Applegate is really good in her supporting role.
127 Hours
Was an interesting story. I couldnt imagine what the guy went through. But as a movie it was a bit to slow and smidgen boring for me. Its not normally my kind of thing the more introspective movie.
Life As We Know It
Standard romantic comedy fair. Had a number of good laughs as you would expect having a baby thrust onto a babyless couple (who aren't in a relationship either). No surprises with the storyline.