Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Mighty Toddler by Robin Barker

Rating: 4 out of 5
Publisher: Macmillan Australia
ISBN: 1405039116

Robin Barker is a registered nurse, midwife and early childhood nurse with over 30 years experience with families and babies, and we think you'll enjoy her commonsense approach.

This is a technical book about all things toddler. There are specific chapters on things like behaviour, development, health, family dynamics, and immunisation. In each chapter she breaks down the issues and gives you strategies on how to deal with them.

For the most part Robin Baker does not lecture. There are a couple of comments where she states her belief. For instance in the travel section she mentions she would never travel with a toddler, but acknowledges this is not practical for most families, and provides advice on coping. But the whole section is not her lecturing you on what she feels. She states her view, then moves on and presents both sides of the argument.

Her advice is simple and grounded in the latest research. The behaviour section in particular I feel will be very beneficial when the time comes. Her advice is very reassuring and practical. A lot of it made you think "oh yes well der that is obvious" but it might not have occurred to you otherwise.

However I did not necessarily agree with all her advice. This is why I didn't give this book the full 5 rating. But I have found with most baby books take away the information you find relevant to you and ignore the rest; and 90% of Robin Barker's advice I would gladly take on board.

A good basics book. For me the best part was the sections dealing with behavior which sets this book apart from other baby/toddler books around.