And...here we go!
1. Chaos reigns supreme in my home, and it is kittehs.
2. My favorite thing for dinner lately has been chicken, cheese and bacon wraps.
3. What the dog says: “Holy crap, the cat has built a nuke!”.
What we hear: bark! bark! bark!
4. A nice long walk of a short pier is just what Fuzzy Wuzzy needs thought Fluffy Duffy Duck. She chortled happily to herself as she finished coating the front door knob with vaseline. The house was now finished. Nearly every surface from the front door to the back door completely coated in vaseline. A wicked grin stole across her face and she went to sit on her front porch swing to observe the show.
5. Anytime someone says “I have a book for you” that is some good news.
6. When all is said and done, there is ALWAYS chocolate.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing and doing as little as possible, tomorrow my plans include not much, haven't thought that far ahead and Sunday, I want to read and revel in the joy of knowing Monday is a public holiday!