I don’t know what it was about this book but I just could not get into it. I pretty much struggled to half way through and then threw in the towel.
The story its self was interesting. An Amish girl accused of neonaticide and protests her innocence, plus the lawyer her defends her who is struggling with a mid life crises of her own.
This story was really slow going. By the middle of the book the trial had not yet even started. I didn’t care much for the characters either and Elli the lawyer I found downright annoying.
The most interesting thing going for the book and the reason I kept reading even after I began the dreaded thoughts “I should stop”, was the detail that did go into the Amish life. It is clear Jodi Piccoult did very thorough homework. It was great having that insight into the Amish community.
I will try another Jodi Piccoult book. Even her fans have hinted that perhaps this is not her best.