Monday, February 9, 2009

Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched The World by Vicki Myron

Rating 4 out of 5 stars

This is a very sweet book that any animal lover is going to adore straight away. Dewey's story begins on a cold winter's morning when he is found half frozen in the Spencer Public Library book return slot. He instantly wins the library director Vicki Myron and her staff over with his beautiful calm personality. He then spends the next 19 years being the Spencer Public Library cat and unintentional mascot and went on to international fame (though I must confess I had never heard of him). It is nice to see a "cat" memoir on the scene to compete with the explosion of dog ones around.

The story focused a little to much on Vicki Myron in some places and Dewey was not mentioned at all. Dewey's tale is told separately to Vicki's and the library. Dont get me wrong her story and the towns is interesting however I would have liked more Dewey stories or how exactly he was intertwined with her. For instance she told the story of her mastectomy and how Dewey helped her through that rough period, and I thought that was just a beautiful moment.

If you like animals and especially cats you will enjoy the book. I recommend you read it with a box of tissues though as you will be crying by the end (well I was).