Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

Rating 4 .5 out of 5

I needed a break after Case Histories so sat down with some good urban fantasy. F
or this review I thought I would try an interview style that Irish at Ticket to Anywhere recently used.

Title and author of book: Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

Fiction or non-fiction? Genre? Fiction. Urban Fantasy & Teen

What led you to pick up this book? It was recommended to me by Irish at Ticket to Anywhere. We have very similar tastes when it comes to Young Adult & Fantasy type books so I was very confident I would enjoy it.

Summarize the plot, but no spoilers! Aislinn (apparently pronounced Ash-lyn which makes her nickname of Ash make a whole lot more sense) can see faeries. She lives her life by a set of rules set down to keep her safe, and pretty much they all boil down to do not let them know you can see them. This all goes out the window when Keenan the King of the Summer court of faeries decides that she is his Queen. The rules have changed and Aislinn will find herself in the fight for her life and those she loves.

What did you like most about the book? It hooked me from the start. I read this cover to cover in one day. A book you cant put down is the best kind of book. The urban fantasy element was a bonus though.

What did you think of the writing style? Melissa Marr has an easy to read style of writing. It was able to set a good reading pace. There were no dull or slow moments. Marr had the right amount of explanations and plot development. She did not get bogged down on any detail in particular. The world created in this book is fully fleshed out and easy to understand.

What did you think of the main character? Aislinn was a believable teen with more then the usual set of issues. Her reactions and decisions I could logically see a teenage making. Considering her circumstances it is amazing she has not gone right off the rails. Aislinn did not get whiney or obnoxious, she had her moments of doubt but that is understandable when your world get's turned upside down.

Any other particularly interesting characters? Donia was interesting as she was constantly divided in so many directions. She managed to have so much empathy despite her situation and was strong enough to do what needed to be done regardless of her feelings. Donia was a strong character when she could easily have been a weeping blubbering mess.

If this book has been made into a movie, and if you’ve seen the movie, compare the book to the movie.: This book has not been made into a movie that I know of.