Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bloggiesta - Mini Challenge: Organisation and Scheduling Posts

This mini challenge being held by On a Book Bender is all about organisation! I must admit lately I am time management poor. If it doesn't get done here and now, while I am thinking about it, then it kinda doesn't get done. Especially when it comes to my blogs. I am not sure why but when I am low on personal time the blog gets put aside.

So I was keen to do this mini challenge to try and get some tips on how to better organise my blog. Most of the tips are pretty darn obvious and I know them. I do them at work. Why would I do "to do" lists at work, and calendar reminders for regular monthly jobs and not do it for my blog? Of course hindsight is a wonderful thing. I know I should have done it but it just didn't happen.

So first tip from Amanda was a blog schedule. She recommends a weekly and a monthly one. They key of course make the schedule suit you! I currently don't really do memes and things to break up my blog. The one I do complete is a monthly event. So I have done a weekly and monthly schedule.

Weekly Schedule 
Monday - Draft Review
Tuesday - Edit Review
Wednesday - Read Book Blog Posts
Thursday - Draft Review
Friday - Edit Review Saturday - Post Review and Catch up on Book Blog Posts Reading
Sunday - BREAK

Monthly Schedule
Start of Month - Movie and Music Post
Mid Month - Personal Post (yet to be determined)
Fortnightly - Discussion Post

So not a bad schedule. Not to er strenuous but that is the point. I also need to make better use of my scheduling post function. I know how to use it and have used it. But need to put in the effort to edit and get the post to a point I am ready for it to go then bam schedule my little heart out. But back to my schedules, they should be a good place for me to start with and build on later.

The next tip Amanda from On a Book Bender recommended is a review template. I thought brilliant till I realised blogger doesn't let you actually have saved post templates. Grrrr. Ok so regroup, refocus, do a work-around. So created my template in a simple text editor and hit save, so I can just copy and paste into blogger under the html editing section of the post. You beauty doesn't get much easier then that.

I will use this template when I am pressed for time, have writers block, or just can't think of anything more creative. I do like doing more creative type posts that are fun for me to write (and hopefully fun for you to read). But for the purposes of getting me back into a more regular swing of reviewing I hope this will really help. I will be using my new template to help me achieve my goal of one review completed and posted over this bloggiesta weekend.

I hope from now on I will feel a little less like this:

And more in control of my blog. Otherwise I might need to get minions to do it. Heck if I can I'll get some of them anyway...they are just so darn cute.

So that is my mini challenge completed HOORAY. One down and three to go.

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